Nick Coppola is a long-time resident of Delray Beach and community advocate who has dedicated his life to uplifting vulnerable communities.

Nick is running for Delray Beach City Commission, Seat 3, to bring a new and unique perspective to City Hall. He is committed to representing the interests of all Delray Beach residents and bringing a collaborative approach to city decision-making.

Coppola currently serves as the Chair of the Delray Beach Code Enforcement Board. In this capacity he works with fellow board members to ensure that reported violations are legitimate and that people who receive violations are treated fairly and held responsible for the condition of their properties. Notably, Nick has served as the Vice President and Treasurer of the Sherwood Park Civic Association since 2018. Nick, along with several other concerned residents, revived the association which was struggling at the time. The Sherwood Park Civic Association is now financially healthy with a very engaged group of residents who share Nick’s love for Delray Beach.

Nick Coppola also serves as a Board Member of the Pines of Delray Home Owner Association, Chair of the Compass GLCC Community Center, and the Secretary of Impact 100 Men of Palm Beach County. Coppola has been awarded various accolades for his public service, including the NAACP Dukes/Rolfe Leadership Award for advocating for increased healthcare in Black and Brown Communities, particularly when dealing with HIV and AIDS.


Delray Beach Code Enforcement Board, Chair

Compass Community Center, Chair

Sherwood Park Civic Association, Vice President and Treasurer

Impact 100 Men of Palm Beach County, Secretary

Pines of Delray Home Owner Association, Board Member


Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services, SUNY

Associate’s Degree in Labor Studies, SUNY

Building Construction Management Certificate, NYU